Alma de Nogal : Los Chalchaleros

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

EMR AS A SYNERGEN IN NEUROLOGICAL DISEASE: George L. Carlo.Science and Public Policy Institute, Safe Wireless Initiative and The George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C. USA



George L. Carlo

Science and Public Policy Institute, Safe Wireless Initiative and The George

Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C. USA

Recent integrative research has elucidated mechanisms of interaction between

exposures to unnatural or man-made electro-magnetic fields and normal human

physiologic systems. This research shows that electro-magnetic radiation (EMR)

affects cell membrane chemical and vibrational receptors;

sympathetic/parasympathetic balance; active transport; cellular energy processes,

including mitochondrial function; mRNA/DNA transcription interface; normal DNA

repair; intracellular physiology; intercellular communication; as well as tissue, organ

and physiologic system function.

Myriad published epidemiological and toxicological studies have identified the

primary etiologic role of EMR in a number of diseases. Underlying pathological

mechanisms include: disruption of intracellular physiology and normal

cellular function leading to conditions such as leakage in the blood brain barrier;

disruption of DNA repair and formation of micronuclei contributing to tumorigenesis;

and disruption of intercellular communication which compromises tissue and organ

function leading to immune, neurological and endocrine system dysfunction. The

emerging science leaves little doubt that man-made EMR has become a major public

health threat.

There are four different EMR effect windows of primary importance from a

pathological mechanism perspective: ionizing radiation, raw microwaves, information

carrying radio waves (ICRW) and extremely low frequency waves (ELF). The

pathological mechanisms in each effect window are distinct, and range from breakage

of chemical bonds through ionization to direct magnetic interference with gapjunction

neurotransmission. Most importantly, it is now clear that all but the ICRW

window have thresholds for effects. There is no clinical or biological effect threshold

for ICRW because the pathological mechanism involves a seconds-long physical

trigger that leads to an irreversible biological response cascade. From a practical

perspective, this mechanistic reality suggests that there is no truly safe level of

exposure to ICRWs which are the predominant exposure in all types of wireless

technology. With near four billion mobile phones now active globally, along with

millions of WiFi devices and the necessary wireless infrastructure to support them, it

is now the case that ICRWs are ubiquitous and that exposure for most people in

populated areas is unavoidable.

There has been little published work focused on how ubiquitous exposure to

ICRW impacts populations from the perspectives of etiologic interactions including

antagonism and synergy, as well as therapeutic clinical intervention. This paper

presents a review of what is known regarding EMR interactions in neurological

disease and considers the recent epidemic of Autism as a case study.


Thessalonica, 24-25 May 2008

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