Alma de Nogal : Los Chalchaleros

miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

Ay ... Obama que lindo que eres tú, cuando te tiran de la cola haces, mu ... mu... mu (-Obama ... Do not disturb !!! - the argentinian overo yacaré )

domingo 29 de marzo de 2009

Pedirán a Obama que detenga la fumigación con glifosato en el Amazonas

Shoveling Water from Witness For Peace on Vimeo.

Próximante una delegación de personas de Witness For Peace viajarán a Washington para presentarle una carta al presidente Obama para que por favor detenga la fumigación con Glifosato en el Amazonas.

Las razones, que el país, políticos y dirigentes no han querido ver, simplemente son evidentes en este video que realiza esa organización. Yo me uno, e invito a todos los lectores de este blog para que también lo hagan firmando la carta y replicando esta información por todas partes.A continuación la carta. Yo, ya firmé.

Dear President Obama,We, the undersigned, call on you to immediately end the use of inhumane and ineffective fumigation as a drug control strategy in Colombia, shifting these resources instead to fund time-tested domestic drug treatment programs shown to reduce consumption and development initiatives for Colombian farmers living on the brink of poverty.End fumigations because:
Fumigation violates Colombians’ rights to livelihood, health and a healthy environment. At least 10,000 farmers have reported food crops killed by fumigations and the UN Special Rapporteur on Health said there is “credible and trustworthy evidence” that fumigations are harmful to human health.
Fumigations damage delicate ecosystems in the world’s second most bio-diverse country. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reports that fumigation leads to deforestation as farmers move deeper into virgin forest to avoid the spray. They estimate nearly 400,000 acres of virgin forests were razed by coca farmers between 2001 and 2007. Also, a new study reported 50 percent of amphibians were killed in less than 96 hours by exposure to the fumigation mixture.
Despite the fumigation of 2.6 million acres in Colombia from 2000 through 2007, coca production actually increased by 23 percent.

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